Saturday, April 17, 2010

How do you spend your time?

What are you doing right now?
What are you doing tomorrow? Next weekend? Next birthday?

Every day we each have 24hours.
Every year we each have 365 days.
We each have the same amount of time to spend and what you do with it is entirely your choice.

So often we get disappointed with life, what we are doing or not doing.
But the truth is, life can be as adventurous as you make it.

I just finished watching the movie "Julie and Julia" based on the true stories of two women. I thought it was a fun and inspiring movie that I could relate to.
Both women dared to dream. "If you don't have a dream, how can you have a dream come true?"
Both women dared to set a goal. "The tragedy of life does not lie in reaching your goals, the tragedy lies in not having any goals to reach."

I am a big believer in "have a go". Who knows what you can do until you try?

A friend gave me a book for my birthday about setting goals and values. It has brilliant quotes in it (that I am adding now)and it matches my passion so well, it could have been written by me! It is kind of bizarre I have to say, seeing all my values and beliefs in a book written by someone else, worded so much better than I could ever describe.

On one page of the book it says to be specific about what you want and goals you set. When you walk into a restaurant, you don't just say "I want some food". Instead you pick exactly what you want from the menu. We need to be like in every day life. Often we set one long enormous goal and have absolutely no idea how to reach it and then lose heart when it fails. I think the trick is to make lots of smaller achievable goals. More importantly, don't forget to celebrate each achievement as you go.

I had a friend once who often compared herself with others and often started her sentences with "I wish I could...." but yet she never really put any effort into doing anything. It reminds me of that quote, "the grass is always greener on the other side". Realistically, what that quote says to me is that who lives on the "other side" just works their butt off to enjoy that green grass!!

"If you aim at nothing,you'll hit it every time."

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