Monday, April 5, 2010

It's the little things...

I have to share this with you because I am just so tickled with myself right now.
Today I ticked off one of the things on my to-do list - I ran a whole kilometre without stopping.
Now some of you are that all?
But you have to realise what an achievement this is FOR ME.

As a teenager, I used to be quite good at long distance and cross country running before being a dancer. It was then all about flexibility and co-ordination. After having two children I never really did anything that needed stamina.

Needless to say when I started karate two years ago, the flexibility and co-ordination served me well and I found that I picked up many things quite easily but my stamina always let me down.

Last Christmas, when I went for my first major grade to get my brown belt, part of the grading included a quick run around the block which was exactly one kilometre. This was supposed to be part of the warm-up. I ran part, walked a bit, ran some more, and finished last. It was not a race I was told but I still felt like that last lonely little rhino who comes puffing along a minute after the stampede in the movie Jumanji. I then learned that each major grade involves this run.

I thought to myself, c'mon one kilometre is nothing! You just need to work on your fitness. So when I sat down and made my fun list for the year I also included a few small personal goals that were just for me. Finishing last is still finishing right?

That's the great things with small personal goals. It doesn't matter what anybody else thinks. I have friends who can run 4-5kms and while I can admire them and cheer them on, I won't compare myself to them. We all have different challenges in our lives. We all had different upbringings. We all have strengths and we all have our weaknesses. I'm a big believer in being the best YOU that YOU can be!

So today when I set out, I went by myself, and jogged at a slow relaxed pace.
And you know what? I came in first!! (ha ha ha)
When I made it, I must admit, I also did the "Rocky" boxer bounce with my arms raised in victory for no-one in particular.

Actually I did. I did it just for me.

1 comment:

  1. Love it!! Very inspiring! Didn't really want to face my personal fitness goals this soon after Easter, but I may have
