Friday, December 31, 2010

Last years to-do list

Well here it is the first of January 2011.
A new day....a new year.....

Last year I made a list of 30 fun things to do and achieve.
Some things I had never tried and had fun just having a go at.
Paintball on my birthday was so much fun with all the girls.
Climbing the Harbour Bridge in the pouring rain is a great story I will retell again and again.
I bought and handled a raw lobster and cooked him up....and ate him.
I taught my son how to blow bubbles with bubble gum...ran one kilometre without stopping...and finished off the year by becoming a 1st Dan black belt in karate.

So you may ask did I achieve them all. The answer is NO. There were a few that just didn't happen either due to time, money or just plain convenience. But I am not disappointed at all...and as you know I am a 'tick the box' kind of person.
In life circumstances change all the time and you just have to roll with it.
My list was there to have fun and try new things which I did....and that was the whole point of the list.

So now a new year has begun....and I have a whole new list.
And why not? Life is all about having fun.
Here it is...and I hope it inspires you to be creative and try some new things.

2011 To-do list
1. Make homemade croissants
2. Make homemade hot cross buns
3. Cook peking duck
4. Cook something 'flaming'
5. Host a japanese dinner party
6. Learn the names of the bible in order
7. Watch 'The Shining'
8. Watch 'The Godfather' trilogy
9. Movie marathon
10. Learn basic french
11. Go jetty jumping
12. Ride a jet ski
13. Kick a door in
14. Break plates 'greek style'
15. Visit Byron Bay
16. Visit South West Rocks
17. Learn the Hoedown Throwdown
18. Ride in a hot air balloon
19. Fire a weapon (carried over from last year)
20. Black belt confirmed

Friday, October 8, 2010

What a black belt means to me

As part of my black belt grading in 7 weeks, I have to write a one page essay on what a black belt means to me. This is what I submitted.

I strongly believe that you are never too old to learn something new.
It saddens me when people feel that they are ‘past their use by date’ and have nothing to offer society. Elderly people have so much wisdom and experience that they can share with others.

When my sons chose to learn karate three years ago I felt it would be something I could also enjoy doing, both for exercise and to have something in common with my boys.

After completing my first belt (gold) I realised that I thoroughly enjoyed the process of classes, learning Japanese, grading and achieving belts step by step.
I then set myself the goal of achieving my black belt.

As someone who works full time, has church commitments and is a mother with children to organise and run around, there are some busy and hectic days where the last thing I feel like doing is exercising. At almost forty years of age, my body also feels very differently now doing karate than what it did twenty years ago when I was dancing. Headaches and back pain are more frequent now. However, the thought of the goal that I had set myself encouraged me to push through on those days. My mindset for the past year was to push through as “a black belt doesn’t give up”.

I have found that if you want something enough, prioritise your time and finances that all things are achievable. I do not aim for perfection but I do plan to be the best me I can be, enjoying every experience that life has to offer me and hopefully inspiring other people to do the same.

I feel that I have had the heart of a black belt for some time and by completing the grade I will confirm to my instructors and to myself that I know and understand the training I have received over the past three years.

By achieving the standard of ‘black belt’ I will feel proud of myself for achieving the goal that I set three years ago and for having the determination to push through on days when I didn’t feel like it.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Just around the corner

Life has been pretty full these last few weeks.
Not busy - full.

Work has had extra challenges and rewards, friends have had gatherings and celebrations, some have had babies, lots of people to visit and lots of appointments to keep. Does that sound like your life too?

I received a text this morning that my grandmother is in hospital. Now granted she is 92 and has more energy and enthusiasm for life than alot of people half her age, but still, my thoughts have been circulating throughout the day as I wait for more information. My memories return to Christmas visits and birthday gifts as a child, funny stories she told and that wicked laugh that I seem to have inherited from her.
I remember when she lost her husband almost thirty years ago. I realise how much I admire her independence while being on her own and continuing to live a full life.
Even into her nineties she visits other people in the hospital. I write to her regularly even though she cannot write back to me anymore but I know it blesses her so much to know what I'm up to or see photos of my kids as they grow up. She blessed me as a child as a grandparent does. I love the quote be the change you want to see in the world. In other words treat others how you would like to be treated. I hope someday when I'm older and perhaps on my own that someone would be interested in what I'm doing and stay connected with me.

It's interesting how we talk about being so busy, like we have no control over our lives and it's all we can do to keep up with our own schedule.
True, we don't know how some events will unfold and life certainly does throw some doozies at us. But our general lifestyle, the social events we agree to, the sports or activities we commit to, what we do in our spare time and how we interact with the people who are closest to us we have a lot to do with.

We can create opportunities; social events when we feel isolated, date nights with a spouse, family holidays, and even scheduled down time when we feel burned out. I am passionate about making the most of every day I am given. I don't know what is just around the corner. I think it is important to make the best of the relationships in our lives because we really don't know how long they are going to be there for.

As you know I made a list this year of thirty things to do and I have 13 left. I may have to make a list for 2011 because I keep thinking of fun things to do!
Whether I make it to 92 or not I would like to be remembered as someone who lived life to its fullest, embraced the challenges that came my way the best I could and made the most of every opportunity.
You never know what is just around the corner.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Bridge Climb

What a fantastic few weeks I have had; Sydney - Brisbane - Sydney - Melbourne
My verdict? I prefer flying to driving!!

I have ticked many things off my 2010 list during this time including a horse drawn carriage ride through Melbourne with my hubby and taking a friend to Tepinyaki in Sydney. But the best by far was the Harbour Bridge Climb.

Fiona and I were dressed in very attractive overalls (yes that was sarcasm) and girded with a belt that had a coat and raincoat in pouches attached to it, headsets to hear the guide and really cute beanies. Everything was attached to us; sunglasses, handkerchiefs, beanies; so that we couldn't drop anything on the cars below. It took two hours in total to dress, reach the top and return. The view was spectacular and we learned some very interesting facts. Did you know the entire bridge was constructed by hand? At the time it was built there was no OHS so none of the workers wore any harnesses or safety equipment of any kind? The four large stone pillars of the Harbour Bridge are actually hollow and are purely there for decoration, NOT to make the bridge stronger, and actually counted as 20% of the overall cost. The road was the last thing built and when the arches were finished, before the road was added, people wrote letters of complaint asking how were they supposed to take their horse and carriages over the arches to get to the other side?

But my story doesn't end there. The highlight of the trip was just five minutes from the top when we were informed to put our raincoats on, just in time for the rain to bucket down. Our group of six stood in the rain to have our photos taken with smiles on our wet faces. Not quite what we thought our photo would look like. We then had the joy of walking all the way to the bottom again in the rain with heads down and frozen wet hands. While the raincoats kept the top half of us dry, the pants and shoes were soaked through like we'd been swimming. And of course the rain stopped just as we arrived back at the bottom.

Of course the rain just makes for a more entertaining story.
It was a fantastic experience. It was completely safe as we were harnessed to the bridge the entire time too!
I highly recommend it to anyone...of any age! Have a go!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Culinary skills

As I've mentioned previously, to have fun and enjoy life I think it's really important to be able to laugh at yourself. I mean let's be honest, other people laugh at us all the time. So I'm going to share a story that is definitely worth a chuckle.

Last weekend was the Anzac Day public holiday and we had some friends over for the Aussie barbeque. I branched out and made Bruschetta for the very first time. I googled a few recipes and chose the one I liked. Here it is.

1 french stick loaf
4 firm tomatoes (peeled and chopped)
1 red onion (finely chopped)
4 cloves garlic (cut in half)
1/8 cup basil (chopped)
1/3 cup olive oil
3 Tbs balsamic vinegar

Drain the tomatoes for 20 mins.
Combine oil, vinegar, basil in large bowl and whisk together.
Add tomatoes and onion. Marinate for 10 mins.
Cut bread into 1/2 inch slices and toast lightly on both sides.
Rub garlic on the top side and cover with mixture.

Now if you're like me, you're thinking this recipe looks simple enough. I agree.
I got out my chopping board and started dicing everything....basil....onion....and wait! peeled tomatoes?
Hmmmm....I've never been asked to peel a tomato before....oh well....I got out the potato peeler and went on my merry way.

Now again, if you're like me everything sounds right so far....right?
HOWEVER....there are others who are laughing with great amusement right now. Here is the cooking tip for the day; apparently you don't peel a tomato with a potato peeler; you mark it with a cross on the bottom and put it in boiling water and the skin just lifts off all by itself. You learn something new every day hey?

My guests arrived ready to try my Bruschetta last week and were oh so amused by my culinary skills. Overall....I am amused by them myself. But then the Bruschetta was so good I really didn't care!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Birthday fun birthday has been and gone.
Did I have lunch with the girls? Did I have a romantic dinner with hubby?
No. I tried paintball. I had to. It was on my list!

15 gorgeous girlfriends and I donned what looked like hockey jerseys and helmets, was handed paintball rifles and shot each other!!

Many of my girls were scared, some even thought about chucking a sicky on me on the day, but they all showed up excited and ready for some fun. After all, I was the birthday girl!!

Many of our husbands share in the paintball experience once or twice a year and I always thought it would be fun to try it.....just once.
The place that we went was indoors and therefore the guns were set at a lower pressure so thankfully if we were hit it wouldn't hurt as much. It was an amazing experience watching my friends...some squealing in girlie fear running from one shelter to another and apologising with each shot they fired, some yelling like army brats on a killing spree. I thought I knew my friends so well and yet some still surprised me. Many of them texted me later that night to say how much they enjoyed it and how it was much more fun than what they thought it would be.

C'mon girls, don't let the boys have all the fun!!

Thursday, April 22, 2010


Today I had 3 people ask me how my list was going.
My answer? 9 down and 21 to go. Progressing nicely I would say.

I have lots of different comments when people ask about my "list". Most say it sounds like a fun idea and are inspired to write down thoughts of their own. Afterall, we all have thoughts and dreams about what we could do, might do someday or even musings about what other people are doing. I also have a few friends say something like "I don't know where you find the time" or "I wish I had money to do that", which has me thinking on the topic for this blog.


I remember the season when I was single, living alone with my own business (dance studio).
I remember the season when I first got married, two incomes and settling into married life, playing "grown up".
A season of one income and a baby in the house came next, "playing mummies and daddies".
Then came two children and hope for a part time job on the side to earn some extra pocket money.
And now I find myself still happily married, two incomes, a mortgage with two teenagers, (one with their own income now)and the time and income to do a few weekend trips away with the girls or a romantic getaway here and there.

When I look back on each season that I have experienced so far (yes - there are more seasons to come) I thoroughly enjoyed each one. I LOVED my babies and each new milestone; first tooth, first laugh, crawling, walking, each new outfit and of course every photo that went with it. I was glad when the toilet training stage was over but it was great celebrating the achievement with each son. Actually, I look at each milestone as an achievement worth celebrating. Riding the first bike, the first school uniform (and the photo), learning to swim and that first soccer game.

I wouldn't want to go back to that stage of life now however but I thoroughly enjoyed it when I was there.

Currently, I am in the mum-taxi stage where my children have their own social life they need to keep up with. Part time jobs and girlfriends are now topics of conversation and the driving lessons monster is taunting me in preparation for next year. We are discussing cars and career possibilities. I love that I can get up and get ready for work in the morning knowing that everyone else in the house is organising themselves at the same time without my supervision or instruction.

My hubby and I are also discussing that romantic European holiday when the boys are all grown up and left the nest. Yes I will miss them terribly but I'm kind of looking forward to that season where I don't have to cook dinners for everyone whether I am hungry or not. Dinners out for two sounds nice.

Grandchildren I see are a great thing and I look forward to spoiling them and getting to know the two daughters I never had.

So where am I going with all this?
I love change. Change is good. Without change we wouldn't experience anything.
I wouldn't have gotten married without change. I wouldn't have had kids. I wouldn't have made half the wonderful friends that I now love and couldn't do without.
Change can be a little scary for some but imagine what you would have missed out on if something hadn't changed first.

Whatever season you are in, enjoy it. It won't last forever and you just might miss it when it's gone. Some seasons don't come around a second time so it's now or never.
Enjoy each moment you have with each person you can. Enjoy life!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

How do you spend your time?

What are you doing right now?
What are you doing tomorrow? Next weekend? Next birthday?

Every day we each have 24hours.
Every year we each have 365 days.
We each have the same amount of time to spend and what you do with it is entirely your choice.

So often we get disappointed with life, what we are doing or not doing.
But the truth is, life can be as adventurous as you make it.

I just finished watching the movie "Julie and Julia" based on the true stories of two women. I thought it was a fun and inspiring movie that I could relate to.
Both women dared to dream. "If you don't have a dream, how can you have a dream come true?"
Both women dared to set a goal. "The tragedy of life does not lie in reaching your goals, the tragedy lies in not having any goals to reach."

I am a big believer in "have a go". Who knows what you can do until you try?

A friend gave me a book for my birthday about setting goals and values. It has brilliant quotes in it (that I am adding now)and it matches my passion so well, it could have been written by me! It is kind of bizarre I have to say, seeing all my values and beliefs in a book written by someone else, worded so much better than I could ever describe.

On one page of the book it says to be specific about what you want and goals you set. When you walk into a restaurant, you don't just say "I want some food". Instead you pick exactly what you want from the menu. We need to be like in every day life. Often we set one long enormous goal and have absolutely no idea how to reach it and then lose heart when it fails. I think the trick is to make lots of smaller achievable goals. More importantly, don't forget to celebrate each achievement as you go.

I had a friend once who often compared herself with others and often started her sentences with "I wish I could...." but yet she never really put any effort into doing anything. It reminds me of that quote, "the grass is always greener on the other side". Realistically, what that quote says to me is that who lives on the "other side" just works their butt off to enjoy that green grass!!

"If you aim at nothing,you'll hit it every time."

Friday, April 16, 2010

Save a life!

Do you know that one in thirty people donate blood and yet sooner or later one in three will need it? Also, by donating blood you can save up to 3 peoples lives? Interesting facts that I learned this year....when I decided to put "donating blood" on my to do list.

Here I was making a fun list of things to do that I've never done or experienced, when I googled "bucket list" to get more ideas and found a site that had over 350 suggestions, in different categories and one was "charity work". When I read "donate blood" in this category I thought to myself, "I've always hated needles!" I mean does anyone really LIKE needles? Really?

I had two great pregnancies with no morning sickness but I had gestational diabetes. And surprise surprise, lets take your blood every chance we can to test it. Needless to say I'm not as scared of needles anymore.

Our church is having a blood drive through the month of April, the month of Easter when Jesus died and shed his blood for us. I thought that if Jesus could shed his blood for me, surely I could give blood to help someone else.

So I decided to be "politically correct" and put donate blood on my list for 2010. Not exactly FUN but definitely a new experience to be had for the first time.

I made my appointment and was told to drink lots that day to stay hydrated. I managed to drink 3 litres of water. I think that is a record!! I should have had THAT on my I arrived at the blood bank, filled out all the paperwork and had a pin prick test to check my blood. After the all clear I was hooked up and watched for eleven minutes as my blood left me.

Afterwards I was given a yummy caramel milkshake and an apple muffin. You know it didn't really hurt at all. I was so impressed with myself that I will definitely be donating again. I have to wait at least 12 weeks before donating again. To hear how the blood is used is amazing; cancer patients, accident victims, women during childbirth and little babies who have just been born. It is such an amazing feeling to do something that could save the life of a newborn baby.

If ever you have thought of MAYBE donating blood I would ask you to think again.

Monday, April 5, 2010

It's the little things...

I have to share this with you because I am just so tickled with myself right now.
Today I ticked off one of the things on my to-do list - I ran a whole kilometre without stopping.
Now some of you are that all?
But you have to realise what an achievement this is FOR ME.

As a teenager, I used to be quite good at long distance and cross country running before being a dancer. It was then all about flexibility and co-ordination. After having two children I never really did anything that needed stamina.

Needless to say when I started karate two years ago, the flexibility and co-ordination served me well and I found that I picked up many things quite easily but my stamina always let me down.

Last Christmas, when I went for my first major grade to get my brown belt, part of the grading included a quick run around the block which was exactly one kilometre. This was supposed to be part of the warm-up. I ran part, walked a bit, ran some more, and finished last. It was not a race I was told but I still felt like that last lonely little rhino who comes puffing along a minute after the stampede in the movie Jumanji. I then learned that each major grade involves this run.

I thought to myself, c'mon one kilometre is nothing! You just need to work on your fitness. So when I sat down and made my fun list for the year I also included a few small personal goals that were just for me. Finishing last is still finishing right?

That's the great things with small personal goals. It doesn't matter what anybody else thinks. I have friends who can run 4-5kms and while I can admire them and cheer them on, I won't compare myself to them. We all have different challenges in our lives. We all had different upbringings. We all have strengths and we all have our weaknesses. I'm a big believer in being the best YOU that YOU can be!

So today when I set out, I went by myself, and jogged at a slow relaxed pace.
And you know what? I came in first!! (ha ha ha)
When I made it, I must admit, I also did the "Rocky" boxer bounce with my arms raised in victory for no-one in particular.

Actually I did. I did it just for me.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Girlie fun on a budget

Can you believe that we are a quarter of the way into the year? Crazy.
So far this year I have taught my son how to blow bubbles with bubble gum, watched the movie "To Kill a Mockingbird" which is my favourite book and taken a ride in a helicopter, which was really enjoyable and I would recommend it to anyone.

Quite often we think that having fun cost heaps of money. Yes I have bought my Harbour Bridge Climb ticket and yes it wasn't cheap. But you know, I have also spent a whole day laying on my lounge, working my way through an entire series of a sitcom on DVD, eating cheese balls and drinking coke zero (which can be a good day every now and then.)

Last week I spent an amazing day with my best friend and we had an incredible day that cost almost nothing.

We went to one of the best beaches in Coffs Harbour that really only the locals know about (so I can't tell you the and took almost 100 photos; artistic ones that could go in a magazine, creative ones like writing in the sand and decorating it with shells, fun ones playing in the surf and random ones that show how silly friends can be (ready for scrapbooking!)
We then went to the shops and grabbed some takeaway.

We ate lunch while watching the musical "Annie" and had the best sing-a-long together. We both do an exceptional "Miss Hannigan" impersonation and killed ourselves laughing.

But the best was yet to come! My friend has her own bucket list and mentioned in casual conversation something she had always wanted to do. So I organised it without her knowledge and surprised her. I bought 5kgs of red grapes and a plastic tub that I usually use for "at home" foot spas. Together we picked all the grapes off the stems and put them into the tub. She then got to stomp on them, barefoot for about 10 minutes. Of course I took a stack of photos and video footage. The squishing sound was so loud and she couldn't stop laughing. To share the experience I jumped in the tub too and we had to hold each other so we wouldn't fall out. It was so funny; we laughed and laughed. And if you're wondering, it did NOT look like red wine, the liquid was quite clear. (and we never considered what we were going to do with the slush when we were finished - I won't tell you what we did with it!)

We then finished off the day colouring each others hair; the cheap way with supermarket kits. She is single and I live in a house of males so we both really appreciated being girlie girls together. We laughed and laughed and really didn't spend hardly any money at all.

It is amazing how much fun you can have when you get creative.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Finish the race

There is a line in a Brooke Fraser song that says, "I'll run til I finish the race".
I don't want to just cross the finish line. I want to do it with a smile on my face.

I want to get to the end of my life, look back and say 'WOW'. No regrets.
I didn't chicken out of something because I was too afraid.
I didn't stop trying because it was too hard.
I got back up when I got knocked to the ground.
I had fun trying things that were new.
I laughed at myself when I had no idea what I was doing.

A few years ago the movie "The Bucket List" came out with Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman. They each had a list of things they wanted to do or experience before they died.
So of course, then became the fad of writing our own bucket lists.
I never wanted to have a "bucket list" linking it with the thought that death will surely follow.
Instead I started thinking of all the fun ways I can experience life right now.

In January, the talk turned to "New Years Resolutions" which of course just reminds me of the good intentions we all have to lose weight, get fit and feel like a failure by January 15th when the novelty has already worn off....

So this year I made myself a to-do list. Not a bucket list and not a resolution.
30 fun things to do for the first time, try for the first time or experience for the first time.

A few years ago I tried snow skiing. I'm not very good. I'm actually too slow and cautious to achieve the thrill that my sons demonstrated and will probably never do it again, but I can say I've tried it and I did it.

I started karate two years ago after what seemed like a lifetime of teaching little girls to dance. I am planning to grade for my black belt this December.

This year I plan on climbing the Harbour Bridge, riding in a helicopter, boiling my own lobster, try paintball, donate blood, learn the tango and ride in a limo (to name a few) just because I can!

Is there anything you've always wanted to do? It's never too late.....